An Introduction to Hildegard of Bingen’s Approach to Psychotherapy

with 9 Comments

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom. Free, no registration required. Optional Community Dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family)

led by the Rev. Danae Ashley 

What can a revolutionary 12th-century Benedictine nun teach us today? Plenty! Saint Hildegard von Bingen was a polymath and a German Benedictine abbess who lived from 1098–1179 in the Rhine Valley. Her myriad of gifts have been noticed throughout history: prophetess, composer, physician and healer, environmentalist, preacher, mystic, advisor, linguist of her own secret language, and much more. You are invited to learn more about St. Hildegard and her fascinating life, focusing on her holistic approach to mental health, through an interactive presentation with the Rev. Danáe Ashley—Episcopal priest, international speaker, and author of a forthcoming book from Tehom Center Publishing on Hildegard and psychotherapy.

A Zoom link will be posted here when it is availlable.

9 Responses

  1. rachel barrett
    | Reply

    do we pay at the door? St Heldeguard was a mystic also?

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      Yes, you can make your suggested donation for dinner at the door (cash, card, or Venmo). The forum itself is free.

  2. Susan Cook
    | Reply

    I would like to use Zoom to participate in this offering.

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      Check back on this page for the Zoom link in the coming weeks!

  3. Raunig-Graham
    | Reply

    It sounds as if it will be worthwhile. Thank you. Judy R-G

  4. Fran Migliaccio
    | Reply

    I would like to attend this event in person, and have put it on my calendar.—. Fran Migliaccio

  5. Janine Boyer
    | Reply

    This sounds like a very interesting topic! My parents were married in a castle at Bingen am Rhine. I was born in Enkenbach-Alsenborg, Germany during the cold war…

  6. Pet
    | Reply

    Hi, can you please record the zoom meeting? I am from Europe and it is 3 oclock in the morning for me….I would live to listen to it. You can place the video on youtube….suggestion thank you petra

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      Petra, a complete video of the presentation will be posted on this page as soon as possible following the event.

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