F.A.Q. about the Saint Mark's Vestry


What is the Vestry?

The Vestry is comprised of the Dean/Rector and a group of laypeople elected by the parish who, along with the rector, supervise and sustain the finances, facilities and grounds of the cathedral and help give direction and guidance to the ministries of Saint Mark’s.

Who makes up the Vestry?

The Vestry currently consists of 17 members:

      • twelve Vestry members elected from within Saint Mark’s Parish,
      • three diocesan members (members of other parishes in the Diocese of Olympia who are appointed with the consent of the Bishop),
      • the Dean/Rector,
      • and the Bishop of Olympia or the bishop's designated representative.

The Dean/Rector is the Chair of the Vestry. In accordance with the Cathedral By-laws (Art. IV, sec. 1), the Dean appoints a Senior Warden, while the Vestry elects one or more Junior Wardens from among the Vestry members. (It is currently the practice of the Vestry to elect a Junior Warden for Facilities, a Junior Warden for Finance, and a Junior Warden for Stewardship, although these roles are not specified in the By-laws.)

Additionally, the cathedral Treasurer, the Clerk (the Vestry secretary), and the Chancellor/Vice Chancellor (the cathedral’s attorneys) serve with the Vestry as non-voting officers. The Clerk and Treasurer are elected by the Vestry. The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Dean.

What are the requirements to stand for Vestry?

All Vestry members are to be persons with demonstrated qualities of dedicated commitment to Saint Mark’s (or their own parish), leadership and vision with responsiveness to the needs, concerns and hopes of the world.

      • Parish Communicants in Good Standing” are those Parish Communicants age sixteen years or older, who are recorded contributors to the support of St. Mark’s with money or with personal service.
      • Diocesan Communicants in Good Standing” are those Diocesan Communicants age sixteen years or older, who are recorded contributors to the support of a parish or mission of the Diocese other than St. Mark’s with money or with personal service.

How long are Vestry terms?

Vestry members are elected to three-year terms. If an elected member steps down from the Vestry before completing their three years, a new member is elected to serve the remainder of their term.

When does the Vestry meet?

The Vestry meets once a month, usually on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Meetings typically occur in Diocesan House and are open to the public. Vestry meeting are sometimes in person only, and sometimes hybrid (in person and via Zoom), as needed. Email questions to vestry@saintmarks.org

When are elections?

Elections are held each year at the Parish Annual Meeting, which is usually on the last Sunday in January.

What is the nominating committee?

This committee is designated by the Cathedral’s Constitution and Bylaws to present to the Annual Parish meeting a list of nominees for Parish representatives. The committee also invites nominations for delegates to Diocesan Convention. The process involves careful vetting of all candidates and includes interviews with those standing for election to the Vestry. For more information, email nominations@saintmarks.org.

What are the standing committees of the Vestry?

    • Worship and Prayer
    • Finance
    • Facilities
    • Stewardship
    • Creation Care
    • Intergenerational Council
    • Restorative Justice Council
    • Communications

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