WEDNESDAY, FEBRAURY 12, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and on Zoom. Free, no registration required. Optional Community Dinner at 6 p.m. ($6/child; $8/adult; $25/max. family)
Byzantine iconography is an ancient and deeply prayerful art form in the Christian tradition, dating back nearly to the apostolic times. Over the centuries, it has evolved and developed as the faith spread throughout the world. Iconography follows a highly systematic and disciplined process which has been handed from teacher to student for centuries. It’s also a very comprehensively demanding educational course for those who want to explore and master the technical, historical, and spiritual aspects of this field. Fr. Peter Pearson, a Franciscan, will guide a reflection and conversation on icons, their use in worship and contemplative practice, and their contribution to art and beauty across generations. All are welcome.
NOTE: Peter Pearson will also lead a three-day icon writing workshop, February 13–15, offer a guest sermon at 9 and 11 a.m. on Sunday, February 16, and participate in an informal “Friends Talking” Sunday Morning Forum with Dean Thomason in the 10 a.m. hour on Sunday, February 16. Learn more about Fr. Pearson and all these offerings here.