Pentecost Revival Service | May 23, 2021, 1 p.m. Pacific
The Episcopal Church greets Pentecost with One in the Spirit, a Way of Love Revival Weekend designed to fan the flames of hope, celebrate difference, honor creation, foster beloved community, and send people toward Jesus’s Way of Love. At 1 p.m. on the Feast of Pentecost itself—Sunday, May 23—a special worship service will be streamed, featuring elements submitted by a number of Episcopal institutions, including Saint Mark's.
- The Service Leaflet contains all you need to fully participate in each liturgy from home.
- Virtual Coffee Hour: Immediately following the Sunday morning service, everyone is welcome to gather in a Virtual Coffee Hour over Zoom. Join using this link.
- Monthly Newcomers Coffee (first Sunday of every month only): Immediately following the Sunday morning service, come meet people and ask questions at a special virtual coffee hour with clergy over Zoom. Join using this link. The next offering will be Sunday, June 6.
- The weekly cathedral newsletter contains important announcements, offerings, and events. Click here to add yourself to cathedral emails lists.
- Limited in-person worship has now resumed. You must register in advance to attend in person. Read more, including how to register for an upcoming service, here.
- If you experience any problems with the video player on this page, you may wish to try joining the simultaneous stream on Facebook or YouTube instead.
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