THREE SUNDAYS: AUGUST 4, 11, AND 18, 2024, 9:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave, broadcast, and livestreamed
Following their debut in the summer of 2019, the Women's Compline Choir, led by Saint Mark's Associate Musician Rebekah Gilmore, has become an annual tradition at Saint Mark's, chanting the Office of Compline in place of the all-male Compline Choir and presenting special repertoire for women's voices, including world-premiere compositions and arrangements.
In the summer of 2019, the men of the Compline Choir traveled to the U.K. for two weeks, serving residencies in Canterbury and Salisbury. To cover the services during absence, Saint Mark's Associate Musician Rebekah Gilmore was asked to assemble an all-female choir, comprising some of the most accomplished choral singers in the Seattle area. The services they sang, the first all-female services in the 63-year history of Compline at Saint Mark's, were deeply moving to many.
The Women's Compline Choir now gathers to chant the service a few times each year, usually during the summer. This included a quartet of women's voices in the summer of 2020, and the full complement of voices in 2021, 2022, and 2023. These service can be seen and heard in the videos and recordings below on this page
This year, the men of the Compline Choir are again traveling to the U.K., this time to serve residencies at the cathedrals of Canterbury, St Albans, and St. Paul's, London. Rebekah will again lead the Women's Compline Choir in chanting the office for three Sundays while they are away: August 4, 11, and 18.
Note: In the fall, the singers of the Women's Compline Choir will also participate in the concert Shaker Harmonies: Celebrating 250 Years of the Shakers in America, presented on the Saint Mark's Music Series, November 10, 2024.
Peter R. Hallock, I Am Wisdom (text from the Book of Sirach)
Ēriks Ešenvalds, Adoremus in aeternam
Ola Gjeilo, Ave Generosa
Elizabeth Alexander, Calm the tempests of my heart (text by Soren Kierkegaard)
Alice Parker, Jesus Christ the Apple Tree; Grace to you and peace
Stephanie Martin, Christe qui lux es et dies
David Hurd, O Christ you are both light and day
Jeff Junkinsmith, Nunc dimittis (written for the Women's Compline Choir; premiered in 2021)
Dmitri Bortnianski, arr. Kevin Siegfried, Let my prayer arise (premiere)
Sheila Bristow, Psalm 84 (premiere)
2024 Women's Compline Liturgies
(Click thumbnail to view livestream video and more information about each service.)
Only one of the three Women's Compline Choir services in 2019 was filmed. Audio recordings of the two other 2019 liturgies may be found here or below:
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