Wisdom Practice Day in Advent—Silence, Stillness, Solitude: Ancient Monastic Practices for Bearing Advent Hope in a Modern World

with 3 Comments
The Rev. Sr. Miriam Elizabeth Bledsoe, OSH

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2024, 9 A.M.–12 P.M., registration required; total capacity limited to 35 participants.

Now at capacity.  UPDATE: Due to cancellations, a few spots have opened up. Please email Dean Thomason: sthomason@saintmarks.org


In a world of constant commotion, what does it mean to practice silence? In a culture of shifting change, how do we practice stillness? In the crowds of everyday life, where do we find solitude? While silence, stillness and solitude have long been foundations of living for those in monastic life, such practices are available to everyone. These wisdom practices can open in us hospitable space to welcome the Christ Child and bear hope into the world.

The Rev. Sr. Miriam Elizabeth Bledsoe from The Order of Saint Helena, an Episcopal monastic order for women in South Carolina, will join us in exploring how these ancient practices can shape our lives for bearing hope in a modern world.

About the Facilitator

"I am an Episcopal priest and monastic sister with the Order of Saint Helena in North Augusta, SC. I was ordained in 2002–3 and served as a parish priest before coming to the order in 2011. In my order I serve as part of a duo on the Leadership Council; as sister in charge of the kitchen; and as a priest, preacher, spiritual director and retreat leader. As well, I provide occasional sacramental supply for Christ Episcopal Church in Denmark, SC."

NOTE: Sr. Miriam will also offer a guest sermon at the 9 and 11 a.m. services on Sunday, December 15.


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3 Responses

  1. Wendy Townsend
    | Reply

    Looking forward to participating in this event!

  2. Wendy Townsend
    | Reply

    Looking forward to learning about your wisdom and advice to us!

  3. Wendy Townsend
    | Reply

    I am hopeful I can still register for this session!

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