Guest Sermon and Sunday Forum with the Rev. Timothy Dombek

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"FRIENDS TALKING FORUM AT 10:10 A.M. in Bloedel Hall

The Rev Canon Timothy Dombek is Saint Mark's stewardship consultant this year, and will be offering remarks at the All-Parish Gratitude Dinner. In addition he will offer a sermon at the 9 and 11 a.m. services on Sunday, September 29, and participate in a "Friends Talking" forum with Dean Thomason in the 10 a.m. hour.

Canon Dombek is an Episcopal priest with over 31 years of experience in serving as lead pastor, school chaplain and upper school instructor, and associate priest for Episcopal congregations and Episcopal schools in Dallas, Texas, in Jenkinsville, Columbia, and Greenville, South Carolina, and Sun City West, Arizona. Timothy also served six years as Canon to the Ordinary to the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, and three years as Canon for Stewardship and Planned Giving, working on strategic planning and stewardship development (fundraising), planned giving, and volunteer development in congregations in Arizona, and has presented stewardship training in over 20 different dioceses of The Episcopal Church. In 2014, along with co-author Mike Durall, Canon Dombek wrote the book, Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete: How Churches Can Get Out of This Business Once and For All, available from, on Kindle, and used.

Canon Dombek is a trained facilitator in participatory strategic planning methods and consensus decision-making for groups from the Institute for Cultural Affairs, a globally focused consulting process for not-for-profit organizations, faith-based groups and ministries, based in Chicago, Illinois. He also holds an Executive Certificate In Religious Fundraising from the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving, part of the Lilly Endowment group, in partnership with the Indiana University School of Philanthropy, in Indianapolis, Indiana. Timothy is also one of the co-creators of (and a graduate of), and a diocesan respondent/presenter for the “Best Skills, Best Churches” program of not-for-profit management training for congregations, developed jointly by the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona and Arizona State University, Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation, in Phoenix, AZ.

Canon Dombek has been married for 34 years to his wife, Beth, and they have one adult son, Jonathan, who was born with Down syndrome.

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