An article by Lambert House Executive Director Ken Shulman from the Spring 2024 Rubric. Click to open a pdf in a new tab.
UPDATE: Sunday Forum on Volunteer Opportunities at Lambert House
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 10:10–10:50 A.M., Bloedel Hall
This coming Sunday between the 9 and 11 a.m. morning services, a panel of youths from The Lambert House LGBTQ Youth Center (currently relocated to Leffler House and the Carriage House on the Saint Mark's Campus, see below) will tell us about what Lambert House is, why they go there, and what they get out of it, and then will take questions. Find out about the mission and programs of Lambert House, hear how their move to the cathedral property is going, and learn about opportunities to get involved. Lambert House Executive Director Ken Shulman will moderate the panel.
Saint Mark's Cathedral is pleased to announce the beginning of a partnership with Seattle's LGBTQ+ youth center, Lambert House. This groundbreaking resource for LGBTQ+ young people has a history extending back to 1981, and since 1991 they have operated out of an old Victorian house in Capitol Hill. That building now has critical structural issues that require the entire foundation and basement of the building to be replaced, a $2 million project that will last one to two years. For the duration of the construction, Lambert House's offices and programs will operate out of Carriage House and Leffler House on the cathedral property. Read a brief article by Lambert House Executive Director Ken Shulman from the Spring 2024 Rubric here.
Lambert House officially begins their stay on the cathedral campus this week, on June 27. Cathedral community members should be aware that Lambert House offices will occupy the Carriage House (in the southeast corner of the cathedral property) at all times, and that the Carriage House will not be available for cathedral activities for the duration of their stay with us. In addition, Lambert House has exclusive use of the kitchen and living room of Leffler House on weekday afternoons and evenings, 3:30–10 p.m. Monday through Friday; again, no other activities can be planned for those spaces at those times.
In the words of Executive Director Shulman, "The mesh of missions between Saint Mark’s and Lambert House couldn’t be better. By housing Seattle’s LGBTQ+ youth center, Saint Mark’s is continuing its long history of social justice action and inclusion on LGBTQ+ issues." The cathedral is blessed to be able to support an organization that has benefitted hundred of young people over its 40-year history. Stay tuned for community conversations with the Lambert House leadership in the coming months. Please address any questions to Dean Thomason.
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