Engaging the Numinous in Advent: A Forum on “O” Antiphons at Saint Mark’s

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Facilitated by: Steve Thomason, Michael Kleinschmidt, and Jason Anderson

The "O" Antiphons service at Saint Mark’s is a signature liturgy that draws us into the orbit of Advent preparation and hope, connecting ancient themes and imagery that engages all the senses. The cadenced rhythms of chant, prayer, hymnody, and prophetic scriptures are held together by carefully choreographed movements that invite us into the realm of the numinous. This year’s service—December 1, 2024, at 7 p.m.—will include the premiere a newly-commissioned anthem, In the Stillness by Black composer Brittney Boykin.

In this Cathedral Commons forum, Dean Thomason, Canon Kleinschmidt, and Dr. Anderson explored with participants the theological underpinnings of the "O" Antiphons tradition at Saint Mark’s, the centuries-old liturgies that it taps into, and the origins and history of this special service. We also discussed ways we continue to adapt and evolve the liturgical expression of "O" Antiphons, seeking to amplify the voices of women prophets while also revising language of familiar hymns to foster sensitivity to Jewish traditions. Those present had the opportunity to sing a revised verse of "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" and also tried their hand at revisions to other verses of that quintessential Advent hymn.

The following handouts were shared at the forum:

How Shall I Sing that Majesty (score)

In the Stillness (poem by E. Mills for anthem by B.E. Boykin)

The slides from forum may be downloaded here.

2 Responses

  1. Pam Seipp
    | Reply

    Please forward to me a copy of the full liturgy of “O” Antiphons.

    I can find it for previous years, but not for 2024. Blessings, Pam Seipp

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      Hi Pam, thanks for asking. The video and leaflet from 2024 will be added to saintmarks.org/oantiphons soon; until then, you can find the 2024 order of service on the “Service Leaflets” page (under “Worship & Prayer” in the top bar menu) or by clicking on this year’s service on the “Video Archive” page (also under “Worship & Prayer”), where you can also find a complete video. Hope this helps!

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