Donation Requests for the New Women’s Shelter

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Last week Dean Thomason sent a message to the parish requesting year-end donations to support the new women's shelter in the St. Nicholas Building in collaboration with Operation Nightwatch, Donna Jean's Place at Saint Mark's, which will begin operations in early February. (See the invitation to the February 2 Blessing & Dedication here.)

To get the facility ready to open, your help is needed in one of three ways:

(1) Make special cash contribution toward the purchase of furnishings and appliances by going to and selecting "New Emergency Women's Shelter" from the list of options, or by giving via Venmo or check with "Women's Shelter" in the memo.

(2) Drop off hygiene supplies directly to the cathedral, such as soap, deodorant, razors, lotion, feminine hygiene production, and hair care, including products for Black hair. Bring items to the cathedral office, or leave them in the basket in Coffee Corner on Sunday morning.

(3) As an alternative to purchasing items and delivering them yourself, you can order items using this Amazon wishlist. (The wishlist can also serve as a guide to recommended brands of haircare products, etc. if you prefer to purchase them elsewhere.)

As Dean Steve reminded the community in his message, "your support means that these women will have a safe, warm place to sleep each night, and we have the opportunity to 'seek and serve Christ' in them."

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