Registration is now open!
All members of the community of Saint Mark's are warmly invited to become an Intergenerational Prayer Partner, as part of special program lasting from Shrove Tuesday, March 4, through the Day of Pentecost, Sunday, June 8.
What does this mean?
If you register to participate, you’ll be matched with a prayer partner of another generation, with whom you’ll regularly check in so you’ll better know their prayer needs. Perhaps you’ll sit together on Sunday mornings, and meet up occasionally at Saint Mark’s events, such as the Pancake Supper and the Pentecost Run/Ride/Roll.
How will this work?
You’ll fill out a brief form telling us which service you attend and what some of your interests are, we’ll do some match-making and put you in touch with your prayer partner by email. We hope you and your assigned prayer partner will meet up at the Shrove Tuesday/Mardi Gras Pancake Supper, get to know each other a bit, and begin praying for each other. Participants will be given prayer ideas and a list of Saint Mark’s events you might choose to attend together over the three-month period.
Can children and youth participate?
Yes! Parents can sign up on behalf of children and youth can sign up with parental permission. In all emails, parents will be copied, and we are only meeting up during church events, so prayer partners of children and youth will never be meeting privately, following Safe Church policies.
Can I be matched with another adult?
Yes! Intergenerational simply means you’ll be paired with someone of another generation, and you can let us know if that’s your preference.
Why are we doing this?
We want to help cultivate and strengthen intergenerational relationships among Saint Mark’s parishioners, and we know from other congregations who have adopted this model that it’s a great way for people to meaningfully connect and engage with each other.
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