Saint Mark’s Social Media Survey 2025

with 5 Comments

January 26, 2025

Thank you for participating in this survey from the Communications Committee of the Saint Mark's Vestry. Be sure to scroll down to see all the questions (nine in total), and click the button marked "Done" when complete.

PLEASE NOTE: If the questions fail to appear below, the same survey can be completed at this link.

Create your own user feedback survey

5 Responses

  1. Ralph Ermoian
    | Reply

    Thank you for doing this. Might be good for st marks to discuss if joining social media in sone ways helps us serve our faith. I.e., shoukd thise of us not on social media be present there to serve our faith?

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      It is a policy of Saint Mark’s that social media cannot serve as a _primary_ channel for cathedral communications. Social media, generally speaking, can indeed serve personal faith and the mission of the church, but it can also be extremely harmful. Participating or not participating in any particular platform (and what form that participation might take) is a personal decision, and not something the cathedral would take a position on one way or the other, particularly at this moment in time.

  2. Kristen Kelly
    | Reply

    I would find it useful to have a place for posting information physically at the cathedral. Eg the rotating screens in the narthex – have events posted, QR codes with links to online info about cathedral activities, ministry info, etc. in other words- good to have info online but I’d like to see more places around the Cathedral with easy links to the info. Would also be nice to have a sortable directory of members (with ministries, interests, etc) and a bulletin board (electronic or otherwise) for people who want to connect, have specific needs, etc

  3. Krista Olson
    | Reply

    It will be interesting to hear about the results of the survey.

  4. Chris Rigos
    | Reply

    Thank you.

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