Trying Times: Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Grief—How to Tell the Difference

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A Webinar with Shelley Mackaman, PhD, and Wayne Duncan, PhD

SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2020, 3 P.M., via Zoom 

Documents for this event:

A complete video of the webinar is available below:

Do you find yourself fretting or anxious about reopening? Are your children stressed with the challenges of virtual school? Are you struggling to balance all the aspects of life now converging in your home life? We are all facing new pressures in light of this pandemic and the lack of certainty about so many things. Dr. Shelley Mackaman (clinical psychologist in Kirkland with emphasis in Child Development and Family Psychology) and Dr. Wayne Duncan (Child and Adolescent Psychologist in Seattle) are both active members of Saint Mark’s Cathedral and will offer timely and important information for people of all ages. Dean Steve Thomason will moderate the webinar. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. The webinar is free but advance registration is required. Click here to register now.

About the presenters

Shelley Mackaman has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Child Development and Family Psychology.  After working and training in a variety of settings from urban pediatric hospitals to rural mental health centers, she is now in private practice in Redmond, Washington and is the staff psychologist at an integrated care clinic in Kirkland, Washington.

Wayne Duncan is a child and adolescent clinical psychologist in Seattle. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota and completed his clinical internship at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver. He consults frequently with families around learning and school issues.

An Introduction to Sunday’s Hymns: May 3, 2020, “Good Shepherd Sunday”

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On Thursday, April 30, Canon Kleinschmidt introduced the hymns to be sung during this coming Sunday's live-streamed service for The Fourth Sunday of Easter, on May 3 at 11 a.m—"Good Shepherd Sunday." This introduction was presented live on Facebook.

Join us in the future on Thursdays at 4 p.m. for another live hymn chat! Just visit the cathedral's public Facebook page at the time of the broadcast—if you "follow" the cathedral on Facebook, you should receive a notification when we're live.

Mideast Focus Ministry Presents: Gaza Fights for Freedom

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Film Screening & Live Discussion 


Watch the films at 6:00 p.m. (or earlier)

8 p.m.: Live discussion with Former Congressman Dr. Brian Baird via Zoom.

paired with the award-winning short film Nightmare of Gaza

On Friday, May 29, the Online Film Series continues with Gaza Fights for Freedom. Filmed during the height of a six-week campaign of protests near the Gaza-Israeli border in 2018, this film features exclusive footage of the demonstrations. This documentary tells of Gaza’s complex history through rare archival footage, info-graphics, and first-hand accounts. Backed by thorough legal documentation and exclusive evidence, this film details Israeli military war crimes that are supported by our own country.  See the trailer here.

The documentary will be paired with NIGHTMARE OF GAZA, an award-winning short film by Farah Nebulsi.

After viewing the documentary, join together on Zoom for a live discussion with Former Congressman Dr. Brian Baird. Email Liz Gilbert,, for the links to participate, or to sign up for the Mideast Focus mailing list and receive the links automatically.

An Introduction to Sunday’s Hymns: April 26, 2020, The Third Sunday of Easter

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On Thursday, April 23, Canon Kleinschmidt introduced the hymns to be sung during this coming Sunday's live-streamed service for The Third Sunday of Easter, on April 26 at 11 a.m. This introduction was present live on Facebook.

Join us in the future on Thursdays at 4 p.m. for another live hymn chat! Simple introducing the hymns for The Second Sunday of Easter. Just visit the cathedral's public Facebook page at the time of the broadcast—if you "follow" the cathedral on Facebook, you should receive a notification when we're live.

The Radix Project Returns!

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In January we launched The Radix Project: Small Groups/Deep Roots. More than 150 people in 18 small groups met weekly for six weeks to share their stories, reflect on scripture, and pray for one another with intention. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, so we are going to do it again! The next opportunity to participate will be in the season of Easter, with groups meeting online.

“Radix 2” will occur in the Easter Season, from late April through early June. It will begin with a plenary meeting, over Zoom, led by Dean Steve Thomason. The Dean will give a general introduction to the various narratives of the resurrected Christ which will be discussed in the small group meetings.  This presentation is open to anyone, whether or not they are participating in the small groups. Following this presentation, the groups will meet individually for the first time in Zoom break-out sessions.

We have tweaked a few things based on your feedback, but the design and format for small group meetings will be similar to the winter session. The planning team—Kelly, Steve, Nancy, Jennifer and Cristi—have chosen resurrection stories for scriptural reflection, some familiar (because we hear them on Easter Sundays); and some that may be less familiar to you. We hope that studying these multi-layered stories will inspire and encourage us to move, as the disciples did, from fear and confusion to joyful connection with God and one another in the midst of troubled times. But we also expect that they will challenge us as we find ourselves reflected within them!

You may recall we chose the name “Radix” for this small group ministry because it means “root,” and we are reclaiming our Christian roots by this practice. Jesus lived and taught in small groups, as did the early Church. To be “radical” doesn’t mean to be rebellious—rather it describes the freedom to stretch into the borderlands precisely because one is rooted in the deep soil of a defining narrative, which, for us, is the brilliant and liberating gospel of Christ. Through this defining narrative we are known and nourished in the church community, and connected through past, present and future to all who are so rooted. Radix groups reveal this connection in tangible and life-giving ways.

Contact The Rev. Canon Jennifer King Daughtery,, with questions. Visit the Radix Project Page to learn more and to sign up!

Noonday Prayer, Wednesdays 12 p.m.

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UPDATE 6/17/20: The Wednesday noon prayer service has been discontinued at this time. 

Due to the success of the Daily Office Zoom meetings at 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 7 a.m. on Thursdays, Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer is now offering Noonday Prayer, following the order of the Book of Common Prayer 1979, every Wednesday at noon. This is a brief service (around 10 minutes) of Psalms, scripture, and prayer that all are invited to join. The same link as our Daily Evening Prayer will be used. To get the link, simply email Michael at

Alicia Goodwin: Godly Play in the Time of COVID

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A few days ago, I saw a t-shirt with the words DO LESS. It didn't have anything else written on it so I'm not sure how to execute that plan but it was an intriguing idea. I'm clear I cannot do more but I'm not sure doing less is an option either.

With that conundrum in mind, I'm offering a few ways to weave a little Godly Play into our current quarantined lives.

Many of our stories tell us God is everywhere. No matter where we go (or don't go), God is with us. We use a candle's flame to illustrate the idea in our classroom. The flame is God's presence. When we blow it out, the flame is not gone, it has just changed form. It's now smoke that fills the entire room.

There are many other natural reminders of God's presence in our lives. I wonder if you've noticed any lately? I wonder how trees know what color flowers to display? I wonder when color was invented? I wonder why so many people are wearing masks? I wonder what job Jesus would chose if he were here right now?

Taking a moment or two to wonder with our kids is engaging with the mystery of God. We wonder in the spirit of play: no goals, no knowing, just experience, just presence.

Kathy Albert: Good Friday and the Truth

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It's Good Friday. Today is the day that Jesus was turned over to The State. The State, that behemoth that has always been, sans compassion, sans conscience, sans consciousness, a veritable greed machine. In the Palestine of Jesus's day, that would have been a Roman Empire. In our time, it's an American one. Neither one of them has had a great track record when it comes to truth.

Today, we can see a powerful Jesus. Though he is given up to the workings of an evil system, he is never conquered by it. He has come to so embody the truth that when he simply presents himself in the garden, false authority falls away. Later, he stands up to Annas' attempts to frame him, while asserting his own authority among the people: "Ask those who heard what I said to them. They know what I said." Even when hit, he has a response that would require his assailant to face truth: "If I have spoken wrongly, testify to the wrong. But if I've spoken rightly, why do you strike me?" In facing his own Jewish community that has gone far astray, Jesus confronts them with truth.

But in his encounters with the Roman oppressor in the person of Pilate, Jesus points to truth in a different way. Compassionately, he speaks to the Roman procurator words that shed light on a path to truth for him: "My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here. . . . You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth.  Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice." Then Pilate seeks to learn from Jesus, "What is truth?", and goes out and asserts his detainee's innocence to those who want this captured man dead.

Even throughout the horrific pain and despair of the cross, Jesus remains heart and soul surrendered to the truth of his life. Even in his suffering, he fulfills the duty of an only child to his cherished mother, and releases her into the care of his beloved disciple, John.  He stays vulnerably human right up to his last breath, expressing his thirst and drinking what's offered, sour as it is.  Then  Jesus simply acknowledges when his final moment has come, saying "It is finished.", and dies.

So, that's how truth showed up two thousand years ago in the Roman Empire. How is it showing up in the American Empire today?  My answer—far beneath the surface of things, and with great struggle and indomitable spirit. To find truth in America today requires deep diving, fringe-living, and perseverance like we've never persevered before. I find truth in accepting limitations in my life that were unfathomable before, while indomitably confronting the stubborn myopia of my American people's devotion to a failure-bound  system. I find truth in praying for the devotees, and therein receiving grace to think and act compassionately towards them. And I find truth in acknowledging my own—albeit unwilling—participation in the most destructive and inhumane mode of socio-economic organization that human beings have heretofore come up with,  and doing all that I can to stop participating, one step at a time.  [You know what system I'm referring to. I don't have to say the "C" word.]

When I look at the mangled truth hanging on the cross these days, I see the undocumented, the impoverished, the imprisoned, the homeless, the raped, the murdered, the queer, the elderly, the children, the sick, the abandoned, the molested . . . who in truth does NOT hang on the cross of Jesus today? It is in finding myself there that a portal into resurrection opens. Then I have the strength and Godly power to resist and keep resisting The State, as Jesus did and continues to do, whenever the Church stands up and divests of her own complicit - and almost always unconscious - support of The State.

I suspect America is like Pilate in the 21st century. Our best bet is to ask Jesus, "What is truth?" But unlike the Roman procurator, we can still choose to follow the Christly word whispered in our hearts, and NOT the loud demands of a crazed culture gone mad with greed. We can opt for death—and pass through to vibrant life like we've never known before.

Walter Brueggemann’s Sabbath as Resistance

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During this "wilderness time" for the cathedral, Dean Thomason is encouraging everyone to read The Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the Culture of Now. In this book, the great modern prophet and theologian Walter Brueggemann offers a delightfully provocative critique on the ways modern culture seduces us into anxiety, exclusivism, and multitasking as ways to subvert the life-giving ways we were created to enjoy. Drawing on ancient wisdom of keeping sabbath, but making it relevant to us in modernity, he offers an invitation to another way—a way needed in these difficult times as much as ever

Join a Book Discussion with Dean Thomason on two Mondays, April 20 and 27, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. via Zoom. . To sign up and receive the link to join the conversation, simply send an email to or

You are encouraged to support independent local businesses by purchasing the book online from our Capitol Hill neighbors Elliot Bay Book Co. Purchasing from Amazon is also an option!

An Introduction to Palm Sunday Hymns: April 5, 2020

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On Thursday, April 2, Canon Kleinschmidt introduced the hymns to be sung during this coming Sunday's live-streamed service for Palm Sunday, on April 5 at 11 a.m., live using Facebook.

Join us on Facebook in two weeks Thursday, April 16 2, 2020, at 4 p.m. for another live hymn chat introducing the hymns for The Second Sunday of Easter.

The Home Altars of Saint Mark’s

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Earlier this week, the people of Saint Mark's were invited to create home altars to serve as a focal point for their Holy Week observances. Visit this post for details. Below are some of the photographs that members of the community have sent in to the cathedral or shared in the Facebook Group. Click to enlarge!

Preparing for Holy Week from Home

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In the video below, Dean Thomason shows you some of the ritual objects that he will be using to observe Holy Week from his own home. Read on for more detailed instructions! (You may wish to print out this page for convenience—just hit ctrl-p!) 

Holy Week is upon us.     

Holy Week is the most solemn and sacred time of the Christian year, when we are invited by our liturgical tradition to contemplate the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and death. But more than that, we are also invited to take these ancient liturgies into our own hearts and consider what they might mean for us in this moment, opening ourselves to the possibility of grace and transformation. That more personal dimension can be a challenge while the cathedral building is closed during this time of pandemic. While livestreamed liturgies afford a way of remaining connected, there exists a temptation to engage with them as a passive spectator rather than a vital participant.

As with all livestreamed liturgies, during Holy Week you are encouraged to sing along with the music; speak the responses; stand, sit, and kneel (as able); and send out greetings electronically at the Peace. It’s about being connected—we are one Body, many parts.

Because Holy Week liturgies are especially designed to be multi-sensorial, in this guide you will find other practical, embodied ways of participating, meant to help you more fully engage with the Holy Week journey. Throughout Holy Week, we trust that our distanced and diverse community is bound into a single expression of faith: the liturgical actions in the cathedral nave are woven with those that happen in your own home. Many people, wherever they might be located, will be undertaking these same actions at the same time.

Engage with any or all of these practices as you wish or are able. You are very much encouraged to make them your own, adapting them as makes sense in your life and your circumstances right now. The important thing is to perform them with intention. Perform the actions slowly, remaining aware of what thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations may arise. Consider all five senses: make note of how things smell, taste, sound, and feel in addition to how they look. It may help to use special objects or utensils that you don’t normally use or that you find particularly beautiful. At the same time, a ritual using a plastic tub can be just as spiritual as one using a crystal basin—the key is the thoughtfulness and attention you bring to the act.

And finally, keep in touch! Let us know, in whatever way is convenient, what the experiences of these liturgies was like for you. Take a photo and post it to Facebook or email to the cathedral. Call a fellow parishioner to share your experience. The community of Saint Mark’s remains one Body during this time, and we all look forward in prayerful hope to the time when we may embrace each other again in the Holy Box.

Checklist for the Week


  • Home altar (including cross, a candle, and a bowl of water, in addition to other items meaningful to you)
  • Cushions for kneeling (as able)
  • Branches (for Palm Sunday)
  • An aspergillum – a bundle of small fragrant branches for sprinkling (see below)
  • Noisemakers and Bells
  • Material for washing: A basin or tub, a pitcher, soap, several towels
  • Food for the Agapé Meal Thursday evening (see below)
  • Easter Eggs, real or plastic
  • A sweet treat (berries, chocolate, candy, etc.) and/or sparkling wine or other festive beverage to celebrate the Resurrection

Palm Sunday 

(watch here)

branches, noisemakers, cushions for kneeling

Liturgy of the Branches:

All four Gospels tell the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, greeted with shouts of “Hosanna!” and cloaks and branches strewn in his path. However, only the Gospel of John specifies palm branches. Matthew and Mark mention branches without saying what kind they were, and Luke does not mention branches at all. We can imagine that those who greeted Jesus grabbed whatever branches were available.

You will need a branch to participate in the opening of the Palm Sunday liturgy, and it need not be from a palm. Is there a tree or other plant in your yard or in your neighborhood that has special meaning to you, because of an association with a particular person or happy memory? Or is there a plant which you have personally witnessed growing and changing over many years? Alternatively, take a walk in your neighborhood and be the lookout for a branch that strikes you as particularly beautiful. If you are at home with others, everyone in the house can have the same kind of branch, or each person can pick their own. Choose a branch that you can remove without damaging the plant, and which you can carry easily in one hand.

In the first part of the Palm Sunday service, you will be asked to raise your branches as they are blessed. As everyone sings All glory, laud, and honor, you are invited to make a procession around the room or around you home. Saint Mark’s Palm Sunday procession is famous for its raucous boisterousness, so if you’d like to accompany your procession with noisemakers and trumpets, you should! But only three verses of the hymn will be sung, so be sure your procession makes its way back to the start as the hymn concludes.

After the end of the service, you may place your branch(es) on your home altar, or in a vase nearby, or on your front door.

Passion Gospel:

At two moments in the reading of the Passion Gospel, the congregation plays the role of the crowd, crying out “Let him be crucified!” Words will appear on the screen at this point, and you are invited to raise your voice. At the moment of the death of Jesus, everyone is invited to kneel for a period of silent prayer. If you would like to kneel, and this requires an extra cushions or other preparations in your home, be sure you have these ready before the service.

The Stations of the Cross
(Wednesday in Holy Week)

Join the live premiere of the the Station of the Cross liturgy (or watch the video afterwards) at this link.

Processing is a fundamental aspect of the Stations of the Cross liturgy, or, as the Book of Occasional Services calls it, "The Way of the Cross." It is a ritual reenactment of Jesus’ final journey to his execution. In this video experience, the movement of the officiant between each station is depicted by images of   shoes on the floor and the sound of footsteps. If you wish, you are invited to move your body in some way during these moments. This could mean moving to a different place in the room for each station, or simply walking in a circle and returning to your place between each station.

You are welcome to print a leaflet in advance and follow along (available at, but the text of the responses spoken by the congregation will appear on the screen, so you may fully participate in the liturgy without a leaflet, if you prefer.

Maundy Thursday

(watch here)

material for foot- and handwashing (basin, pitcher, towels); food for the Agapé Meal; a Bible; small cloth or paper towels

On Maundy Thursday we remember the events of the Last Supper, Jesus’ final meal with his friends on the night before he died. During the meal, Jesus stooped down to wash his disciples’ feet, demonstrating by example the humble service and love for one other that he asks of all his followers.


The first part of the Maundy Thursday liturgy will be livestreamed from the cathedral nave, beginning at 7 p.m. Then, after the homily, the Presider will offer an invitation to footwashing as we remember Jesus’ call to serve on another. The livestream will then pause. You are invited to engage in the footwashing ritual at this time. If you are in isolation with others, consider washing each other’s feet using a basin and pitcher as is our practice in the nave. If you are alone, or physical limitations preclude the washing of another’s feet, consider washing your feet in the tub or shower, letting water flow over your bare feet, mindful of all those who serve us in supplying clean water in our city, and all those who care for the bodies of others.


After the footwashing is completed, each person then engages in a handwashing ritual. The act of washing hands is an ancient holy act of preparation and purification, but in addition, in this time of pandemic, washing our own hands is a very real way of serving others. By washing our hands, we can all reduce the chance of infection and slow the spread of the virus, and in this way we express care and concern for everyone whose life is linked with ours, especially the most vulnerable. Perform this act slowly and with intention—consider using a special basin you have prepared, or rinse your hands using water poured out of a special pitcher or cup. As you wash, you are invited to speak slowly and with intention, the netilat yadayim, which Jews of the Orthodox tradition say every time they wash their hands:

Blessed are you, O Lord, our God, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with your commandments, and has commanded us concerning the washing of hands.

Sacred Meal:

Following the washing, you are invited to partake in an Agapé Meal.

Long before there was a formalized ritual called “The Holy Eucharist,” followers of Jesus would meet in private homes to hear stories of Jesus’ earthly ministry, his death, and resurrection, followed by a simple meal including bread and wine, which they shared as Jesus commanded: “Do this in remembrance of me.” This is sometimes referred to as an “Agapé Meal” because God’s love (Greek: αγάπη) brought them together and bound them into one Body. This year on Maundy Thursday we are all invited to reclaim that ancient practice of a simple meal in the home, knowing that even if we live alone, we are joined with community of Saint Mark’s by sharing this meal.

This meal is not a feast. The food should be meatless, simple, and sparse. Appropriate foods for this meal might include: a vegetarian soup, cheese, olives, dried fruit (especially dates), bread (especially unleavened bread such as pita), and wine or non-alcoholic grape juice – or whatever simple fare is safely and readily available to you. You may wish to present the food in a particularly intentional way, perhaps using a special dish or utensils.

Immediately following the handwashing, gather around the table and remain standing as able. After a time of silence, two or three blessings are recited, as appropriate—one over the bread, one over the wine if it is part of your meal, and one over the other food. (The texts of these blessings are printed in the Maundy Thursday leaflet, available at or posted on the livestream page on the day of the service). If several are gathered, each participant first serves some food to all the others, and then all may dine.

As the meal nears its end, a designated person reads aloud chapter 17 of the Gospel according to John. Songs or simple hymns may then be sung together. The Agapé meal concludes with all saying in unison Psalm 63:1–8, followed by a concluding prayer, as printed in the Maundy Thursday leaflet.

Stripping of the (Home) Altar:

The livestream service resumes at 8:15 p.m. for the Stripping of the Altar. The ancient practice of stripping and then washing the altar ritually prepares the worship space for the Good Friday liturgy, while poetically calling to mind the stripping of Jesus’ body before his scourging, and the washing of his body after his death. When this ritual from the cathedral nave has concluded, you are invited to remove all the objects and decoration from your home altar as well, carefully and with intention, placing them in a special place where they will be accessible on Saturday. Then wash your altar using a damp cloth or paper towels. It will remain bare until the Good Friday .

Night Watch with the Altar of Repose:

As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane before his arrest, he asked his disciples to stay with him: “Could you not watch with me for an hour?” As a community, we are invited to keep watch with Jesus overnight, as symbolized by the reserve sacrament in the altar of repose. You can view this from your home overnight on the live stream, and you are invited to set aside thirty minutes to an hour to sit in quiet contemplation of Jesus’ journey to the cross.

Good Friday

(watch here)

kneeling cushions, your home altar’s cross or crucifixion icon

The Good Friday liturgy is solemn and austere. The service at noon and the one at 7 p.m. are similar, the principal difference being that the noon liturgy is almost entirely spoken, while much of the 7 p.m. liturgy will be chanted.

Both during the reading or chanting of the Passion according to John, and during the Solemn Collects, you are invited to kneel at certain moments as you are able. Prepare cushions to kneel on if necessary.

The liturgy concludes with the Contemplation of the Cross. At this time you may place a cross or an icon of the crucifixion back on your bare altar.

The Great Vigil of Easter

(watch here)

candle, matches or a lighter, a small container of water, aspergillum, bells, the remaining components of your home altar, a sweet treat, sparkling
wine or other festive beverage

The Service of Light:

Before the service, the cathedral nave is in total darkness. The liturgy begins with the lighting of the New Fire and the Pascal Candle. Darken your own home as much as is practical. When the Paschal Candle is carried through the nave, light the candle or candles on your home altar, and light additional candles to the extent that can be done safely.


After we hear Holy Scripture, the Bishop will bless the water in the Baptismal font and sprinkle the participants with water as a sign and reminder of their baptism. At this time, you are invited to sprinkle yourself and others with pure water as an act of remembering your baptism. You many simply use your fingers to do this, or make your own aspergillum (sprinkler) using a few small branches, preferably from a plant with a beautiful fragrance, bound together with string or tape or wire. At Saint Mark’s, the tradition is to make aspergilla out of fragrant cedar branches, but consider using rosemary, juniper, jasmine, or even basil!

Proclamation of the Resurrection and the Gloria in Excelsis

At the high point of the liturgy, the Bishop shouts the Proclamation of the Resurrection, the great doors of the reredos are opened, and the cathedral is flooded with light. If you have bells, ring them now!

At this time (or any time after this) you may replace all the items onto your home altar which you stripped from it on Thursday. If you had been using a red cloth for Holy Week, now is the time to switch it for one that is white or gold. You may also place new items on your altar now that were not there earlier in the week, such as: fresh candles, Easter eggs, sweet treats, things you plan to include in your Sunday morning breakfast, an icon of the resurrection, or an image of the word ALLELUIA!

After the Vigil Liturgy concludes, before you go to sleep, you are encouraged to indulge in a sweet treat—such as strawberries, chocolate, or a pastry—and a glass of sparkling wine or other celebratory beverage.

Easter Sunday

(watch here)

If you are isolated with other people, an Easter egg hunt can be a fun activity either before or after the 11 a.m. livestreamed Eucharist—and not just for kids! Adults may be surprised at how much fun an Easter egg hunt can still be.

Enjoy your Easter breakfast, reach out to those you love with whatever device is best for you, and then participate in the Feast of the Resurrection via livestream at 11 a.m. – and remember to join early if you can, starting about 10:45 a.m.

Making your Home Altar

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We are about to enter a Holy Week like none other any of us have ever experienced. We are all anxious to feel the joy of the Feast of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday, but it is a core part of our tradition that we must, with intention, walk through the Holy Week observances of Passion and death in order to reach our Easter celebration.
As has been announced, Saint Mark's Cathedral will be livestreaming services from the cathedral nave throughout Holy Week. In addition, in order that we might all more fully engage with the Holy Week journey, we will all be invited into various activities and practices in our own homes that will integrate with the liturgies offered through the livestream. You may participate in these activities whether you are home alone, with a partner, or with your family.
The first of these is the home altar. In the video below, Dean Steve Thomason, Choir School Director Rebekah Gilmore, and Associate for Spiritual Formation Kelly Moody of Saint Mark's Children's and Families Ministries introduce the idea of a home altar, and show what their families have created.
You will be invited to engage with your home altar in specific ways during the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday observances in particular. As it says in the video, please send in images or other reports on what you have created for yourself.

Carrie Kahler: Three Poems

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Parishioner Carrie Kahler taught a class at Saint Mark's a few years ago on ekphrastic poetry, focusing especially on Saint Mark's own collection of icons. Three poems she wrote as a result of that class were subsequently published in the literary journal Image, issue No. 99. (You can view them on Image's website here, here, and here.) She has graciously offered to share them here. 


After Rublev’s Trinity

Each face turned toward
a face at table leaving
always a space for

one more. An open
door to run through when someone
can’t quite make it home

on their own. Though the
wings work, humans haven’t got
them, and it’s hard to

converse from heights so,
in one hand a staff to lean
on. The other hand
ever reaches down.

After Prokhorova’s Saint Mark

There is no shadow
of turning here but there are
spaces for the dark.

Neither does the point
vanish—receding toward
a horizon of

agreement pinned to
dancing angels, instead gold
instead several

visions at once see
desk with sharp quills curved to light
like the mind on the
feet that bear good news

After The Anastasis

who’s to say here what
is not when the hand firmly
grips the bird-light wrist

the face facing Eve—
her son’s as much as Mary’s—
furrowed long and lined

on her left Adam’s
cloak billows back in the blast
of blue air He brings

the deep blue behind
Him an almond of truth that
is, heaven that is

how we grasp after
holiness when gold leaf is
too dull we go dark

witnesses crowd each
other’s ears and each gestures
and each gesture sends

your glance heavenward
you stand just beyond the first
parents just this side

of death’s doors waiting
for the pull to light waiting
to leave the late night

A Special Video for Choir Members

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The music program at Saint Mark's Seattle, somewhat famously, involves seven different choirs (Saint Mark's Singers, Cathedral Choir, Evensong Choir, Compline Choir, Junior Choristers, Senior Choristers, and Schola). During this time when choirs are neither singing for liturgies nor meeting weekly to rehearse, choir members are feeling separation and absence acutely.

Canon Kleinschmidt and Choir School Director Rebekah Gilmore made the following video to recreate the warm-ups which begin all choir rehearsals, when singers prepare our voices and our bodies for the work to come. At Saint Mark's, the children and adult choirs share many of the same warm-up exercises! The exercises included in the video are beloved by 5-year-old junior choristers and 50-year veterans of the Cathedral Choir alike.

Kathy Albert: Prayers for Life

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Parishioner Kathy Albert wrote this reflection on two meaningful prayers. Thank you for sharing, Kathy! 

When life gets rugged, I turn to a wealth of spiritual wisdom that has sustained me over the years. Here's a prayer that I am saying out loud now after meals. It comes from Gates of the House: The New Union Home Prayer Book, published by the Central Conference of American Rabbis:

"Let us praise God.
Praised be the name of God, now and forever!
Blessed is our God, of whose abundance we have eaten.
Blessed is our God, of whose abundance we have eaten, and by whose goodness we live.
Blessed is the One-Who-Is!
Blessed is the [Holy One] our God, [Sovereign] of the universe, whose goodness sustains the world.
The God of grace, love, and compassion is the source of food for all who live—for God's love is everlasting.
Through God's great goodness we do not lack and will not ever lack.
For God is in the goodness that sustains and nourishes all, providing food enough for every living being.
Blessed is the [Holy One], Source of food for all who live."
Thomas Merton prayed a prayer that also finds resonance in my own heart, especially now:
"My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going.
I do not see the road ahead of me.
I cannot know for certain where it will end.
Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so.
But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you.
And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing.
I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire.
And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it.
Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death.
I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone."
I am now no more vulnerable to death than I have ever been.  Life is always tenuous!  So I can take this moment to choose life more than ever!  In the face of the deaths, I choose to live!  Life is good!

Share your Dinner Wednesday night!

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Let’s gather virtually and have fun staying connected! This Wednesday, March 25, on our usual Cathedral Commons night, visit the Saint Mark's Seattle Community Life during the Closure group and post a photo of your dinner table or what you're eating. Some members of the group tried this last Wednesday, and it was so lovely to see everyone! (A few examples are pictured at below.) This Facebook group is "private"—to join in, just follow the link above, or visit our our regular Facebook page and click the blue "Visit Group" button below the main image.
For an extra reminder of Wednesday nights at the cathedral, begin by singing our usual Table Grace, accompanied by this video, featuring Canon Musician Michael Kleinschmidt on the Bloedel Hall piano.
And if you don't use Facebook, email a photo or even just a few words to Communications Director Greg Bloch, and he'll post it here on the Online Community Life page along with a sampling of the reports from the facebook group.

Jo Ann Bailey: Help Medical Workers by Making Fabric Masks

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Community member Jo Ann Bailey, a professional seamstress and teacher of sewing, submitted this report below about making fabric masks for healthcare workers. (Last week on the cathedral's Facebook Group, there was a call from Providence Hospitals for help sewing masks, but they have subsequently engaged manufacturers, including a Mukilteo furniture factory, to produce masks in quantity and are no longer soliciting volunteers. The opportunity described below is a better option!)

A shortage of protective clothing for medical professionals is yet another complication of this current COVID-19 crisis. Fabric face masks from the community are now welcome as hospitals and clinics prepare for an increase in patients. While fabric masks are not to be used in the care of COVID-19 patients, according to the CDC, fabric masks are a crisis response option when other supplies have been exhausted. Fabric masks can also be helpful in other areas of patient care as supplies of PPE are depleted. Prior to disposable masks, fabric masks were standard use for hospitals. These masks can be washed and sterilized repeatedly as needed. They provide needed protection to health care workers as well as patients.

Seattle area JoAnn Fabrics locations [editor's note: no relation!] are receiving and distributing donated, community-made, masks. For store locations visit Patterns and clear, easy to follow, instructions are also available here:

A few helpful hints:

  1. Narrow elastic has recently followed toilet paper off the store shelves. The tie-on style of mask will probably be the best for now unless you have ¼” elastic in your stash.
  2. Use 100% cotton, tight weave, fabric. Use on both sides, or line the inside with cotton flannel.
  3. From the patterns and styles available, choose the one that best suits your supplies and skills.


Please email or call if you have questions. I would love to hear from you! Email at this link.

—Jo Ann Bailey

Dean’s Letter: One Body, Many Parts

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As we approach two weeks since the first public health directives upended our normal routines, with many in the interim faced with job loss, school closures, and the threat of illness coming too close, I am keenly aware that the stress of this disruption and the weight of the burgeoning health care crisis are bearing down on us, collectively and individually. It is difficult in the moment to find an unimpeded path to resolution and a return to normalcy (whatever that may look like). None of us are certain how long this will last, and that naturally enough prompts anxiety. And there is a deep sense of grieving intermingled in it all.

I name all of this, having had personal conversations or email exchanges with literally hundreds of you in recent days—I name all of this as we prepare for a very unusual Holy Week, and I am acutely aware of the fact that we are making our journey to the cross of Good Friday this year like no other year in living memory. But we do so ever-enlightened by the hope of resurrection. We are resurrection people, and we are called to live in a way that does not gloss the harsh realities of life, but rather holds those struggles in the context of resurrected life, trusting that something new is in the works, even if we can’t quite make it out just yet....

Please click here to read the remainder of the Dean's message.

Sonjia Gavin: Blessing and Curse

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Yin and Yang. Sinner and Saint. Blessing and Curse. As they say, there are always to sides to a coin.

In this time of limbo, I find myself thinking about this daily. What is the take-away from all of this? What are we supposed to be learning? How are we going to make it through? Will this ever this end?

All around us, we are experiencing a new normal. Students are not in school, employees are being laid off (including me), some are working from home (husband), stores are closing, and many are in fear of contracting COVID-19. I don’t think it’s an understatement to say that this is a disorienting time for all of us.

The first few days of self-quarantine for my family was rough. It was a lot of learning to live together 24/7, adjusting to our new normal, and listening. As we head toward the end of the week, we have found our rhythm. For now. We are “plotting a different course than the one we had planned.”

In his sermon on Sunday, Steve encouraged us to look for outward signs of spiritual grace waiting to surprise us, bless us, and nourish us. Common things made holy for our spiritual benefit.

For everything I see as a loss, there is a blessing on the other side. Reframing my perspective takes some practice. During these difficult times, we must be diligent in looking for outward signs of God’s grace.

Reflecting back on this week I can see God’s grace, the Blessing, all around me. Life has slowed down. WAY down. And this is a beautiful thing.

I’m reconnecting with my family on a whole new level. We spend time together, and actually enjoy it! I am A LOT less stressed out. Without as much to do or worry about, the rhythm of my life has found a new equilibrium. And it makes me wonder how I can refocus my energy when this is all over.

I have been able to enjoy the sunshine and put energy and time (something I would not have had with our normal routine) into working in my yard. It has never looked so good! The bulbs are popping up, the trees are blooming, and the birds fill the air with their songs. Spring has arrived. Common things made holy for our spiritual benefit.

God is here in this time of wilderness. We can cling to his promise in the Sacraments and look for the outwardly visible signs of God’s grace in our everyday lives

Reflections on Signs of Grace…

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After hearing Dean Thomason's sermon on March 15, 2020, parishioners were invited to reflect on where they had been experiencing sacramental grace in their daily lives during this challenging time. 


I snapped a photo (attached) on my walk out of PCC this evening after being greeted by a brass band playing music together in the park. All of the musicians were standing at least 6 feet apart (practicing social distancing) while they played joyful music. Lifted my spirits immediately and filled me with gratitude!

—Kari Nasby


I am standing with my cup of coffee looking out at our sun-filled back yard and enjoying the life at our bird feeder. Juncos, chickadees, towhees and house finches are our frequent visitors but this afternoon it is mostly chickadees and juncos. For me they are holy little spirits, clothed in feathers, emissaries of God’s love.

—Nancy Valaas


As I washed my hands this past week and used sanitizer for what seemed like the hundredth time, practiced social distancing, and did my best not to become hopeless, I’ve had this ongoing internal dialogue about what it means to live a Eucharistic focused life during a pandemic. I can’t stop reflecting on serving at the 11 a.m. Saint Mark’s service last Sunday. The “physical” pews and chairs in the Nave were empty. As one of the handful of ministers who stood on the platform for the Liturgy of the Table, it was clear to me that we were celebrating communion across time, space, and beyond the four walls of the Nave.

While the pews and chairs were empty, the Nave was not! The Cathedral Parish and beyond were clearly present with us. For me, this is a Lukan Road to Emmaus time where Jesus is walking with the two disciples and revealing the truth of Holy Scripture to them so they can hear and soon through the blessing of wine and breaking of bread can see. In today’s context, some of the visible signs of grace are simple as taking extra time to notice water and how I am washing my hands. Water is ritually cleansing and life giving. With the coronavirus, water can limit its spread and thus can be lifesaving.  It is also being mindful of how fearful people are in public and especially in confined spaces like elevators.  When I recognize this fear in others, it is to be gentle and to acknowledge the person with a kind gesture. In my home, we are making it a point to reach out to friends, family, and especially those who live alone and to make sure they are okay.

Living a Eucharistic focused life at its core is being called to community. It is seeing the presence of Jesus in the most common aspects of life.  It is especially true as we navigate not having the ability to be physically present to those we love and to be in our faith community. I know that wherever The Liturgy of the Table is celebrated, it is celebrated for all of us, physically present or not..

—Robert Stevens


Table Grace for Your Wednesday Night Supper

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Every Wednesday night the community of Saint Mark's has been invited to join together for a meal in Bloedel Hall. That meal always begins with the table grace sung by the choristers of the Choir School and all the parishioners who are attending. During this time of isolation, if you would like to begin your Wednesday night meal in the same way, Canon Keinschmidt offers this video >

Be present at our table Lord;
Be here and everywhere adored.
These mercies bless and grant that we
May strengthened for thy service be.

Amanda: “We’re all in this together”

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For Saint Mark's member Amanda, the experience of social isolation and distance is not a new one. She recently posted this thoughtful reflection on the Saint Mark's Community Closed Facebook Group, and it is being reposted here for the benefit of community members who do not use Facebook. Please leave a comment below if you are so moved. 

Hi church. I’m Amanda, my family started attending St. Mark’s this past summer. I’m stepping out in a moment of vulnerability to share my story a bit.

This social distancing, self-isolation, lots of handwashing, nervous “am I going to get sick” scenario the nation finds itself in is essentially how I lived for almost two years. I was dealing with significant health issues and isolation was my best option to be well.

For about two years I went almost nowhere indoors. I had next to no physical contact with anyone except my immediate family. When I did go somewhere I often ended up sick. I scrupulously washed after any contact with people. My hubby and son (who most of you know as the smiling 9-year-old in a bow tie) had to go through an involved process to clean up whenever they came home from somewhere. It was this past spring, almost a year ago, that my healthcare team decided I could start doing more.

I know how hard this is. I know how scary, frustrating, confusing, and lonely it is. In some ways, I am grateful people are going to *get* it now. A lot of people live like this every day. If you want to talk to someone who gets it, please reach out. If you’re lonely or scared, please reach out. (I’d also like to mention I’ve worked from home for years now and I am a homeschool consultant. I have lots of easy to implement resources and systems for those who are suddenly working from home and/or homeschooling).

Watching the service reminded me this time I’m not alone. That empty sanctuary and the distance between everyone present felt so strange, didn’t it? Yet it reminded me we’re all in this together. And God is in the midst of us giving us comfort. We’re gathering to worship and connecting as we can. It was holy and heartbreaking. Beautiful and sad. Lonely and united.

I encourage you to be incredibly intentional about cultivating community in any way you can. Reach out to multiple people a day. We live in an era where it is easier than ever to communicate. Keep communicating. Especially make sure to reach out to those with chronic illness, the elderly, those who are already feeling the financial pinch, those in your life with depression and anxiety, and those who care for people in these categories. And send real mail. When I was isolated getting mail was a lifeline. The internet is amazing and we should use it to connect. And there’s something about holding a letter in your hand that someone wrote for you that fills the soul in a unique way.

“Your people” need you now more than ever. This is an opportunity to shine God’s light and hope into a scared and hurting world. I hope it’s not an opportunity that is overlooked.

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