Representation is a big issue for BIPOC people, and representation in church music? Even more so. This is the first episode on our theme of representation: why it is important, and what is overlooked when equal representation is missing. Cara and Michael chat about some observations Cara’s picked up in her capacity as a music student and professional musician, and why “merit-based hiring” is a good way to shut out entire demographics of professionals.
Episode 7: Representation: Music
on October 8, 2021
with 2 Comments
2 Responses
I appreciate that first you laid out the sad reality of under representation of BIPOC (and women) in church music and then gave us specific examples of people we know and treasure at St Mark’s who, within their circles of influence, are creating change. The story of the upcoming O Antiphons composition is fabulous. We have such rich music (and words) around the worldwide Anglican Communion (not solely from Europe) to tap, IMHO.
Kathy Albert
I am feeling a little more aware of what BIPOC people live with on a daily basis as I listen to St. Mark’s Conversations About Race. Podcast by podcast, I’m becoming more current. Today, I listened to this one on representation in music. While appreciating what was said, I’m wondering about the strong focus on the organ, one of the most Western European instruments I can think of. I realize that for centuries, this has sometimes been the only musical accompaniment in church liturgies. Yet, if we are to truly represent the global church, should we not lift up music made with African, Asian, Latinx and Indigenous instruments, as well? And should these not take a primary place in our liturgies? Most of the world’s church population is probably black and brown, not white. Why do European musical styles and instruments continue to predominate? As a white person who has been saturated with more than enough organ music to last her for the rest of her life, I feel diminished by the lack of other cultural expressions of music in our liturgies. I have brothers and sisters all over the world, and I want to share their worship with them.