United We Stand: An Interreligious Prayer Vigil on the Eve of Elections

with 5 Comments
(Click the image of the flyer to download the pdf)

PLEASE NOTE: The sacred space of the cathedral will also be open and available to all for prayer, meditation, and reflection on Election Day and the day before.

On Monday, November 4, the nave will be accessible from 9 a.m. until the conclusion of the Prayer Vigil (at approximately 8 p.m.).

On Tuesday, November 5, it will be open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Signs may direct you to enter through the Hoerster Annex (office entrance).


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 7–8 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed

In this time of trial and struggle, as we confront challenges to our civil society and our body politic, we are at a crossroads of conscience. And though the voices of vitriol and extremism often resound loudly, it is the judicious wisdom of resilient and courageous peacemakers who will lead us through this crisis. Prayerful reflection stands as a hopeful response to the static of cynicism.

Join local religious leaders and fellow citizens who will gather in Seattle’s Saint Mark’s Cathedral at this important juncture of our nation’s history. All are invited to join in this brief non-partisan interfaith service of hope, either in-person or via livestream. On the cusp of the exercise of our most essential civil right, we ask you to embrace this moment of contemplation and connection, as we affirm the principles that transcend our differences, and the common cause that will bind the wounds of this great nation.

A flyer can be downloaded here.

UPDATE: View the Order of Service here and a complete video can now be seen below.

The liturgy will include participants representing:

  • Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
  • St. James Roman Catholic Cathedral
  • Clear Mountain Buddhist Community
  • Temple De Hirsch Sinai
  • First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Seattle
  • Zoroastrian Society of Washington State
  • University Unitarian Church
  • the Northwest Washington Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  • the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia
  • the Interfaith Community Sanctuary
  • Paths to Understanding
  • the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement of Seattle University

Event co-sponsored by: Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, St. James Catholic Cathedral, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, First African Methodist Episcopal Church of Seattle, and the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement at Seattle University

United We Stand: An Interreligious Prayer Vigil on the Eve of Elections | Monday, November 4, 7 p.m.

Order of Service 

5 Responses

  1. Judith Raunig-Graham
    | Reply

    So important! Thank you, Judy

  2. Maggie Rose
    | Reply

    Thank you for this wonderful program. I noticed there weren’t any mosques involved. Was there a reach-out to them? Or to the Greek and Russian Orthodox congregations?

    • Saint Mark's Cathedral

      Imam Jamal Rahman of the Interfaith Community Sanctuary will be reciting a portion of the Quran and offering a prayer.

  3. Sandra Exelby
    | Reply

    Thank you. By grace I fumbled my interment search this morning and stumbled onto this announcement. I plan to join you all tonight. I am an immigrant; I am a naturalized US citizen; I am a retired pastor, and I need the strength and the grace of a community gathering in prayer. Thank you for the invitation.

  4. Carolyn Dillon
    | Reply

    I will join you from Gary, Indiana and have sent notices to my EFM class. Thank you for filling this need we have for connection in prayer

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