A Brush with God: An Icon Workshop

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A Wisdom School offering led by iconographer Peter Pearson

THURSDAY–SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13–15, 2025, registration required.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 6:30–9 P.M.
(additional session Sunday afternoon, February 16, if needed) 

Byzantine Iconography is a highly structured and disciplined art form which combines prayer and painting techniques to create serene images of Christ, Mary, the angels and the saints following centuries old guidelines.

Peter Pearson has been studying and painting icons for more than fifty years and teaching others to do so for over half that time. He’s authored three books on the subject and has painted hundreds of icons for churches, monasteries, seminaries, convents, and individuals all over the world. No previous experience or natural talent is required. We paint, pray, and follow the simple step-by-step instructions. Participants will be invited to envision and paint an icon image of Christ (see the color image on the right).

Fee: $450, includes all supplies and selected meals across the 3-day workshop. Limited to 20 participants; first come, first served. A $100 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your space. Payment in full is due February 1, 2025. 

Register below or using this form.

Please note that your registration is not complete until the $100 deposit has been paid. After you submit the form, look in your confirmation email for instructions about how to submit payment. Contact Erik Donner for payment assistance: edonner@saintmarks.org or 206.323.0300 ext. 217

NOTE: Peter Pearson will also lead a Cathedral Commons forum on Wednesday, February 12 for the broader community (see below), offer a guest sermon at 9 and 11 a.m. on Sunday, February 16, and participate in an informal "Friends Talking" Sunday Morning Forum with Dean Thomason in the 10 a.m. hour on Sunday, February 16.

UPDATE 1/22: In conjunction with his workshop, sermon, and forums, members of the Saint Mark's Visual Arts Ministry is presenting an exhibition of a selection of sacred icons by Peter Pearson. There are 18 icons in total, each painted with acrylic paint on wooden panels using traditional Byzantine methods and varnished to protect the surface. A page identifying the title of each icon is available on the bench by the exhibition, and can also be viewed online here.

Please note: Some of the icons displayed will be for sale by contacting Fr. Pearson directly. Watch for more information about which icons are available in future weeks.


Icons: Portals of Sacred Beauty

WEDNESDAY, FEBRAURY 12, 6:45–8:15 P.M., in Bloedel Hall and on Zoom

Byzantine iconography is an ancient and deeply prayerful art form in the Christian tradition, dating back nearly to the apostolic times. Over the centuries, it has evolved and developed as the faith spread throughout the world. Iconography follows a highly systematic and disciplined process which has been handed from teacher to student for centuries. It’s also a very comprehensively demanding educational course for those who want to explore and master the technical, historical, and spiritual aspects of this field. Fr. Peter Pearson, a Franciscan, will guide a reflection and conversation on icons, their use in worship and contemplative practice, and their contribution to art and beauty across generations. All are welcome.

Join using this Zoom link.

About the instructor

Peter Pearson has been on this path for fifty four years, after being introduced to an icon by his elementary school art teacher. He’s painted thousands of icons and has introduced scores of students to the process. At this point, Peter has studied with more than a dozen master iconographers, including Nina BouroffPhillip ZimmermanNicholas PapasCharles RohrbacherValentin StreltsovDamian HigginsXenia Pokrovsky, and Michael Kapeluck. He holds an Masters of Divinity in Sacred Theology from Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and recently completed a Doctorate in Sacred Theology with a thesis on Byzantine icons and spirituality.

Peter is the author of three books on iconography—including A Brush with God: An Icon Workbook and Another Brush with God: Further Conversations about Iconsand is working on a fourth. He regularly offers workshops and lectures on iconography around the country. He’s a sought after speaker with enthusiasm and the ability to make complicated issues accessible to every audience. His icons grace the walls of churches, monasteries, and homes throughout the world.

Peter is also a priest and a Brother in the Community of Francis and Clare in the Episcopal Church.


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