Baptisms on August 8, Feast of the Transfiguration

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Join the community of Saint Mark’s in blessing and welcoming several new members of the Body of Christ when they are baptized on Sunday morning, August 8. This year, we will observe the Feast of the Transfiguration and have a special baptismal feast day to accommodate those whose baptisms were delayed by COVID. This is in addition to the four baptismal feast days designated by the Book of Common Prayer: Easter Vigil, Pentecost, All Saint’s Day, and the Baptism of Our Lord.

Please note that incense will be used at the 11 a.m. service. The 9 a.m. service will be incense-free.

Sunday Evening Community Labyrinth Walk

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SUNDAYS, STARTING AUGUST 1, 7–9 P.M., on the outdoor labyrinth in front of the cathedral

The outdoor labyrinth has been a treasured resource for many in the cathedral community and the broader neighborhood, more than ever during the closure of the cathedral building. Now, while the evenings are long and warm, the organizers of Saint Mark's Labyrinth Ministry invite everyone to an informal community labyrinth gathering on Sunday nights. Drop by any time between 7 and 9 p.m. Ministry members will be on hand to talk about the history, meaning, and spiritual significance of the Labyrinth.

On August 1, 8, and 15, you are welcome to stay until 9:30 p.m. and listen to the radio broadcast of the Office of Compline together. Beginning August 22, you are welcome to stay and attend Compline in person! Please contact Walter Stuteville with questions, or if you'd like to help out:

Interim Update from the St. Nicholas Redevelopment Exploratory Committee—July 2021

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Earlier this year the committee, with vestry approval, engaged a developer to submit a proposal for redevelopment of the St. Nicholas property. (Read more about that process here.) Following a four-month period of due diligence and building study, the proposal was received in June for redevelopment of St. Nicholas into market rate condominiums. The committee was disappointed with the valuation of the property in the proposal and was concerned with the lack of alignment between market rate housing and the cathedral’s mission.

The committee recommended to the vestry that we not proceed with this proposal at this time, but instead explore more deeply two alternative uses: 1) affordable housing and 2) preserving the building for eventual expanded parish use. The vestry unanimously concurred with that plan.

We will take the next 6–12 months to study feasibility of affordable housing potential on the property while also projecting more accurate costs to address deferred maintenance, seismic upgrades, and roof replacement and how we might finance those costs through rental income, bank loan, and/or capital fundraising. Either of these alternative uses would take several years to unfold, and there is no sense of urgency to come to a decision in the short-term.

The committee remains committed to seeking the highest and best use for the property that furthers the cathedral’s mission, either on the property or with proceeds from the property to be used in ministry elsewhere. We will continue to provide updates to the parish at key points in the process. If you have questions in the meantime, please address those to Dean Thomason or to Committee Chair John Hoerster at:

CONSPIRE 2021 at Saint Mark’s

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UPDATE: Due to safety considerations around gathering in one space for eight hours at a time, the cathedral has made the difficult decision to cancel the in-person gathering for CONSPIRE. All registrants will be invited to participate virtually. Please note that those who have registered through Saint Mark's will not be able to experience the interactive elements of the weekends events. (Previous years' CONSPIRE offerings have not had interactive elements.) For the full interactive experience, you will need to register through C.A.C. directly. Please contact Dean Thomason with questions.

CONSPIRE 2021: The Final in a Seven-Year Series

Me / Us / the World:
Living Inside God's Great Story

A livestreamed conference hosted locally at Saint Mark's Cathedral


Join in person in Bloedel Hall, or from home via Zoom.

PLEASE NOTE: Bloedel Hall has reached capacity and registration is now closed for in-person participate. Register at the link below to join in virtually from home.

Advance registration required. Fee: $20, includes refreshments across the three-day conference.

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Night Prayer with the 20s & 30s Group

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Night Prayer was created to stay connected during the pandemic in the summer of 2020. We gathered by phone on the 2nd and 4th Mondays for two years and have decided to pause this offering as we imagine new ways of connection and prayer in the shift of pandemic to endemic reality. Stay tuned for new opportunities for liturgy and prayer ahead. You can still check out and use liturgies developed: a service drawn from the New Zealand Prayer Book and from the Corrymeela community.


The 20s & 30s at Saint Mark's host prayer together over the phone on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, now at a new time: 7:30 p.m. The liturgy usually ends around 7:45. On the fourth Monday of the month only, participants are also invited to gather in person, in addition to the call-in option. Participants are welcome on these Mondays to participate in Cathedral Yoga at 6:30 p.m., and then participate in the liturgy immediately following. In the summer months, the fourth-Monday in-person gathering will be offered outdoors on the labyrinth and front lawn. (Rain location: Leffler Sun room.)

The Wisdom School 2021–22 Season Announcement.

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See the complete 2021–22 Season Schedule here. 


The Wisdom School is now entering its sixth year. The complete schedule may now be seen at, and the full season brochure can be downloaded as a pdf.

Highlights include:

Opening Plenary: A Spirituality of Desire

Facilitated by Dean Steve Thomason

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2021, 6:45 P.M.

Following Jesus to a New Counter-Cultural, Post-Pandemic Normal

A Saturday gathering led by Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, the first black woman to be elected a diocesan bishop in the Episcopal Church

SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 2022, 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m.

Ravished by Nature’s Beauty: Christian Mystics and the Longing for God

A two-part workshop led by theologian and best-selling author Belden C. Lane

FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2022, 6:30–8:30 P.M.
and SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 9:30 A.M.–3 P.M.

Women’s Retreat: Desire and Holy Longing

Facilitated by Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

MAY 13–15, 2022, at Camp Casey on Whidbey Island

Men’s Retreat: In Returning and Rest We Shall Be Renewed

Facilitated by Dean Steve Thomason

FRIDAY EVENING THROUGH SUNDAY NOON, JUNE 10–12, 2022, at St. Andrew’s House Retreat Center on beautiful Hood Canal

CAPSTONE: Following in Celtic Footsteps—A Pilgrimage to Iona and Ancient Missions of Britain

Led by The Very Rev. Steven L. Thomason & Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

JULY 17–29, 2022

Updated Guidance on Masks—July 28, 2021

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UPDATE: Following the most recent directive from the Governor, once again masks are required for everyone while indoors, beginning Sunday, August 22. The announcement below is no longer accurate. 

A Message from Dean Thomason

July 28, 2021

Updated Guidance on Masks—"Recommended but Not Required"

Dear friends,

There is a saying in health care: “the only constant is change…” The pandemic has required much of us, but perhaps above all it has required us to be nimble and adaptive as the circumstances change. It is no secret that our nation has not topped this hill on COVID just yet, largely due to a confluence of factors—the arrival of new variants, many choosing to remain unvaccinated despite sound science, and increased activity including travel and public gatherings.

Last Friday King County public health officials recommended all of us resume wearing masks when gathering indoors for public events. Some of us did so last Sunday, and I will ask the liturgical ministers to model the recommendation beginning this Sunday. Tuesday the CDC made a similar recommendation for regions with high infection rates, including Seattle. It is worth noting these are recommendations, not requirements, for vaccinated persons, and I write here to communicate the same language for all public gatherings at Saint Mark’s, including worship services. We recommend all persons wear masks when together, including all who are vaccinated. We will not require it unless the directive from public health officials adopts that language, which they may very well if we do not reverse the trend in infection rates.

Please note: the distanced section on the south side of the nave has plenty of space for additional people to be seated there. All should be masked and distanced in that section regardless of vaccination status. For the rest of the nave, where vaccinated persons may sit who choose not to be distanced, we recommend you wear you mask, but that is your decision at this time.

I know this is a frustrating setback, and you may feel you are being adversely impacted for the irresponsibility of others, but we are in this together, and there is a sense of taking on this extra burden now, to avoid a heavier burden later. Be safe, please, and take care.

Blessings and peace,

The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector

Canon Walter Brownridge presents: From Prisoners of Pandemic to Prisoners of Hope

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From Prisoners of Pandemic to Prisoners of Hope: A Day of Reflection on Being Church in our Emerging Reality

SATURDAY, JULY 24, 9:30 A.M.–12 P.M., in-person in Bloedel Hall or virtually via Zoom. Register here or below. 

led by The Rev. Canon Walter Brownridge, Saint Mark’s Theologian-in-Residence

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”  —Desmond Tutu

The past 16 months have been traumatic for many of us, and on so many levels. Pandemic, climate signs of foreboding, and a renewed cycle of racial reckoning. As COVID-19 recedes, in some way, we may feel divided. Some of us may feel that our energies are depleted, and others are eager to leave our isolation and enjoy the summer, and life returning to a sense of normalcy.

Yet, this may be a good time reflect and ask questions of meaning, faith, healing, and that big word: Hope. People in the midst of dark times, as the quote from Archbishop Tutu above notes, certainly need hope. I contend that we need hope when coming out of a difficult period and into the unknown. So yes, we must remain Prisoners of Hope. Together we will explore how hope is a muscle—that must be exercised as a spiritual discipline.

This program will be offered in person in Bloedel Hall OR virtually via Zoom. Register to attend using this link or the form below:

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Women’s Compline

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SUNDAYS, JULY 18 & 25, 9:30 P.M., broadcast/livestream only

In the summer of 2019, the Office of Compline was chanted by an ensemble of women for the first time in the six-decade history of Compline at Saint Mark's Cathedral, Seattle.

(click to enlarge)

These beautifully-sung services were deeply moving to many. In the word of choir director Rebekah Gilmore, "We have many decades—generations worth of women who have wanted to sing Compline at Saint Mark's." And so the decision was made to make the Women's Compline Choir an annual tradition at Saint Mark's each summer. (In the summer of 2020, of course, a gathering of the full choir was not possible, and the Women's Compline Choir was represented by just four solo voices.) See photos and video from previous year's services below.

But now, in 2021, the full complement of 18 singers will return to chant the office at 9:30 p.m. on July 18 and 25.

Due to the unique nature of the Compline service and its congregation, the liturgy remains closed to public at this time. Please join the service via live radio broadcast on KING-FM 98.1 or, or via livestream video at, the cathedral's Facebook page, or the Compline Choir's Facebook page.

Like the services in 2019 and 2020, these services will feature the world premiere of new works specially commissioned for the occasion from local composers. The service on July 25 will feature two new works by local composer (and former Compline Choir member) Jeff Junkinsmith.

In addition, the services will include music by contemporary Canadian composer Stephanie Martin, professor at York University in Toronto, former organist of the Church of Mary Magdalen (the position once held by Healey Willan), and founder of the noted women's choral ensemble Schola Magdalena.

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Compline Reopens to the Public August 22

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UPDATE 8/19/21: Masks will be required for everyone while inside the cathedral building until further notice.

The Compline Choir and Saint Mark's Cathedral are overjoyed to announce that in-person attendance at the Office of Compline will resume on August 22, 2021. 

There will be no preregistration or screening required. Unvaccinated attendees will be requested to wear masks, Masks will be required for everyone and a "distanced section" will allow those who wish to remain distanced from others to do so.

The Compline Choir and Saint Mark's Cathedral wish to express our deep gratitude to all those who have continued to support the institution of Compline during these long months of closure.

Compline Hospitality Ministers Needed

To support the reopening of Compline services to the public, the cathedral and the choir are seeking volunteers to serve as Compline Hospitality Ministers. These ministers will serve in teams of two, and play a crucial role in making Compline a welcoming and comfortable experience for all. Each team of two would serve about one Sunday per month. It's a wonderful opportunity for couples to volunteer together. To learn more, please contact Cathedral Sacristan Michael Seewer (

Mutual Ministry Goals Community Meetings

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An Invitation from Dean Thomason

Dear friends,

Come create our new way forward!

Earlier this year the Vestry forged a key document—our Mutual Ministry Goals—which are designed to inform and guide our work as a community. These three goals center upon the work of justice, creation care, and intergenerational ministry as we plot a course of lifelong spiritual formation for every person in this cathedral community. They are intended to touch every aspect of our common life.

So important are these that the Vestry has restructured its Standing Committees to include these three scopes, and every ministry group is being asked to embrace these goals and reflect on the work in light of them. I write today to encourage each household, and each person, to embrace them in your life as well.

To that end, and to learn more about the goals and action items arising from them, we have community meetings planned in the coming weeks via Zoom. You are welcome to attend any or all; I encourage each person who claims Saint Mark’s as your spiritual home to attend at least one of these. Here is the schedule:

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New Podcast Series: Cathedral Conversations about Race

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Saint Mark’s is proud to present a special podcast offering co-produced by Michael Perera and Cara Peterson, Cathedral Conversations About Race. In it, Michael and Cara talk with each other and other non-white Saint Mark’s parishioners about their experiences navigating a majority-white world, at the Cathedral and beyond. The first episode will be released on Sunday, June 20, and episodes will be released every two weeks.

In the first episode, released Friday, July 16, Michael and Cara themselves will discuss the plans and goals for this podcast project. Future episodes will feature community members of color from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. The entire congregation of Saint Mark's is encouraged to listen to these conversations with an open heart. The participants have shared their stories with the entire cathedral community not to shame or embarrass, but so that we all might learn and grow together in love. Later in the summer, once a number of episodes have been released, a community forum is planned to process and learn from what we have heard.

Search for "Cathedral Conversations" wherever you get your podcasts to listen, or find all released episodes on this page below, or on the podcast page of the website. If you have any questions, please contact Michael or Cara directly.

Views presented are the opinion of individuals and do not represent official positions of the Satin Mark's Cathedral Vestry or leadership.


Presiding Bishop, House of Deputies President issue statement on Indigenous boarding schools

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The Episcopal Church and Indigenous Residential Schools

In the 19th and 20th centuries, Indigenous children across North America were stolen from their families and forced into institutions whose explicit goal was the complete eradication of Native culture, language, and identity—that is, cultural genocide. The Episcopal Church has been complicit in the creation and operation of some of these institutions. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies Gay Clark Jennings have released this statement on this shameful history, calling for the creation of "a comprehensive proposal for addressing the legacy of Indigenous schools" within the Episcopal Church, and supporting a process of truth-telling and healing on the national level.


Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings issued the following statement regarding Indigenous boarding schools on July 12, 2021.

(Coverage of Executive Council’s June 25–27 meeting where council discussed Indigenous boarding schools is here.)

In Genesis, God conferred dignity on all people by creating them in God’s own image—a belief that is shared by all Abrahamic faiths. We are grieved by recent discoveries of mass graves of Indigenous children on the grounds of former boarding schools, where Indigenous children experienced forced removal from their homes, assimilation and abuse. These acts of cultural genocide sought to erase these children’s identities as God’s beloved children.

We condemn these practices and we mourn the intergenerational trauma that cascades from them. We have heard with sorrow stories of how this history has harmed the families of many Indigenous Episcopalians.

While complete records are unavailable, we know that The Episcopal Church was associated with Indigenous schools during the 19th and 20th centuries. We must come to a full understanding of the legacies of these schools.

As chair and vice-chair of Executive Council, and in consultation with our church’s Indigenous leaders, we pledge to make right relationships with our Indigenous siblings an important focus of the work of Executive Council and the 80th General Convention.

To that end, we commit to the work of truth and reconciliation with Indigenous communities in our church. We pledge to spend time with our Indigenous siblings, listening to their stories and history, and seeking their wisdom about how we can together come to terms with this part of our history. We call upon Executive Council to deliver a comprehensive proposal for addressing the legacy of Indigenous schools at the 80th General Convention, including earmarking resources for independent research in the archives of The Episcopal Church, options for developing culturally appropriate liturgical materials and plans for educating Episcopalians across the church about this history, among other initiatives.

We also commend Department of the Interior Secretary Deb Haaland on her establishment of the Federal Indian Boarding School Initiative and the effort to “shed light on the traumas of the past.” The Episcopal Church is also working to support legislation that will establish a truth and healing commission on Indian boarding school policy, which would complement the Department of the Interior’s new initiative.

As followers of Jesus, we must pursue truth and reconciliation in every corner of our lives, embracing God’s call to recognition of wrongdoing, genuine lamentation, authentic apology, true repentance, amendment of life and the nurture of right relationships. This is the Gospel path to becoming beloved community.

—Office of Public Affairs of the Episcopal Church, July 12, 2021


Above: Girls at St. Mary's Episcopal Mission School, Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota, MRL 10: G.E.E. Lindquist Papers, 60, 1483, The Burke Library Archives (Columbia University Libraries) at Union Theological Seminary, New York. Can be viewed at

Choir Camp Evensong

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WEDENSDAY, JULY 14, 4:30 P.M., via Zoom

Join the choristers for a Choir Camp Evensong over Zoom!

The Saint Mark's Choir School's Quarantine Quire Camp for senior choristers is happening July 11–14!

On Wednesday, July 14, at 4:30 p.m., the participants will be leading a Zoom Evensong service. These talented young people will lead our prayer as officiants and cantors.

Join using this Zoom link.

Mid-summer Family Ride/Run/Roll around Greenlake

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SUNDAY, JULY 18, 3:30–5 P.M.

Grab your bikes, rollerblades, or walking shoes and do the 2.7-mile loop around Greenlake with other cathedral families. Parents must accompany their children or have a designated adult chaperone. Social distancing will be observed. Parking isn't awesome on a beautiful summer Sunday but in addition to the on-site parking lot, free Sunday street parking in available in the area.


3:30 P.M. Gather at the outdoor stage area, east side of the Greenlake Community Center.

Address: 7201 East Green Lake Dr. N

Food: Due to Covid precautions, we won't be serving our usual rootbeer floats for this event but feel free to bring your own treat to eat after we do our loop!

Thursday Morning Eucharist Returns to Thomsen Chapel

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The Thursday 7 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist in Thomsen Chapel, followed by a community breakfast, has been attended by a faithful congregation for many years. Early in the pandemic, this service transitioned to an online service of Morning Prayer via Zoom. Having continually provided an opportunity for worship and fellowship during the long months of isolation, it is now time to return to Thomsen Chapel... but with a new schedule.

Beginning Thursday, July 15, an in-person service of Holy Eucharist will be offered at 7 a.m. in Thomsen Chapel on the first and third Thursdays of the month. On other Thursdays (second, fourth, and fifth Thursdays), online-only Morning Prayer will continue. Find the Zoom link to join at Fellowship and breakfast will follow the service as usual.

Other weekdays services of the Daily Office—Evening Prayer M–F at 6:30 p.m., and Wednesday Morning Prayer at 8:30 a.m.—will remain online-only at this time. Stay tuned for further updates!

The Rubric: Spring 2021 Issue

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The new issue of The Rubric contains stories, reports, and reflection by, from, and about the community of Saint Mark's during these extraordinary times. Read full-screen using the reader below, or download a full pdf here. Click the titles below to read individual stories.

Contents of the Spring 2021 issue include:

A COVID-19 vaccine clinic in the cathedral nave 

Dean Thomason on the Eucharist during and after COVID-19 

The Rev. Malcolm McLaurin returns to the Pacific Northwest 

Saying the names of those killed by police

Saint Mark’s Theologian-in-Residence in his own words

The gift of an electric vehicle charging station

Recognizing the first people of Seattle

Saint Mark’s Seeks Candidates for Two New Positions

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UPDATE: These positions are now closed and applications are no longer being accepted.

The Cathedral is now accepting applications for two new positions a Canon for Intergenerational Ministries (full time) and a Program Coordinator for Intergeneration Ministries (part time). Following on from the Mutual Ministry Goals recently adopted by the Vestry, these two positions will have responsibility for a comprehensive program for the formation of disciples of all ages, including intergenerational experiences of worship, formation, fellowship, and justice work.

See the complete job descriptions and instructions on how to apply at: Please distribute this information to anyone you know who may be interested!

Cathedral Worship UPDATE, June 28, 2021

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UPDATE: Beginning August 22, 2021, masks are again required for everyone while inside the cathedral building. 





Check out this brief (4-minute) video to hear Dean Steve explain these long-awaited changes:

Many of the restrictions on in-person worship at Saint Mark’s have been lifted!

  • Pre-registration, screening upon arrival, and limits on number of worshippers is ending.
  • Fully vaccinated worshippers may discontinue masks and distancing indoors, if you wish (honor system).


  • There will be a designated “distanced” section for those unvaccinated, or any persons who wish to remain masked and distanced during worship.
  • If you have any symptoms of illness, please stay home!
  • The common cup will not resume just yet.
  • Livestreaming of the 11 a.m. service will continue.
  • Compline will remain closed to the public for a few more weeks.

See you on Sundays!

A Creation Care Reflection by Doug Thorpe

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by Doug Thorpe

June 21, 2021

In late May, an article in The  New York Review of Books tells me that “a national poll showed that 28 percent of Republicans agreed that ‘things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”  And what’s driving this fear and anger?  According to political scientist Robert A. Pape, the answer is “fear of the Great Replacement”—meaning, of course, that “minorities are progressively replacing white populations due to mass immigration policies and low birthrates.”

In short, racial grievances.

I’m reading this the day after attending—in person!—the cathedral’s 9 a.m. service, officiated by our friend and former Saint Mark’s staff member Malcolm McLaurin, the first African American man in this diocese to be ordained to the priesthood.

Which is good news—and also, of course, sobering news, given that this cathedral has stood for almost a century.

Well, we are a majority white congregation, and a majority white denomination. Which just means that we have to work harder to forge relationships across racial and ethnic boundaries, which we can do in part by sharing in work that crosses over.

For example:  Environmental Justice.

A small summertime example:  Bill McKibben tells us in his weekly New Yorker eblast that a ten-degree-Fahrenheit jump in temperature during the warm season was associated with an increase in emergency-room visits for “mental-health disorders, self-injury/suicide, and intentional injury/homicide.” Both these effects show up more strongly in this country in Black and Hispanic patients—probably, as Dr. Rupa Basu explained (She’s the chief of air-and-climate epidemiology at California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment), because those groups disproportionately live in low-income neighborhoods. “They’re often in areas where there are more fossil-fuel emissions, fewer green spaces, and more blacktop and cement, which really absorbs and retains the heat,” she said. “And also living closer to freeways. That exacerbates air pollution. And, with the heat, that’s a synergistic effect. It’s environmental racism that leads to these differences in exposure.” Some people, she added, bristle at hearing that: “Someone said to me, ‘Oh, so now we’re breathing different air?’ And I said, ‘Yes, that’s exactly right. We can track it down to the Zip Code level.’” Call it critical race epidemiology.

There are things we can do, and Saint Mark's is actively seeking for these large and small solutions. And so it was a small pleasure that, on the same day that our parish celebrated the calling and ordination of Malcolm, we also joined together in the cathedral parking lot and blessed—yes, blessed—the new charging station for electric cars. In doing so we honored the legacy of Jim Mulligan, one of the founders of Earth Ministry and a long term supporter of Creation Care at the cathedral.

As Jim’s widow Ruth said in her comments, Jim would surely have found the humor in the situation: I mean, putting a plaque on a charging station is not exactly like having your face carved on Mount Rushmore. But, as Ruth also said, Jim liked to work behind the scenes, quietly, and yes, with a good sense of humor.

And so there we were, gathered together in the parking lot on a warm June morning.  One small step, as one of our astronauts once said.  But it was a step that put him on the moon.  That’s where small steps can lead.

Longtime Saint Mark's parishioner and former vestry member Doug Thorpe is Professor Emeritus of English at Seattle Pacific University.


Ruth Muligan speaks at the E.V. charging station dedication, June 20, 2021.

DEEPER DIVE: A New Series, Third Sunday of the Month

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A New Saint Mark’s program exploring the Church, faith, and spirituality


Mark your calendars and join Cathedral clergy via Zoom for a DEEPER DIVE into the ways the Episcopal Church worships, the way we practice and grow in faith, and the ways we experience and evolve in Spirit – with time for learning, questions, and discussion together

JUNE 20: Who Do You Say that I Am? Christology in Daily Life with Canon Jennifer King Daugherty

Over time and across cultures, faithful people have understood Jesus the Christ in different, life-giving ways. Canon Daugherty will discuss some of these traditions, then lead the group in exploring how our experience of pandemic has impacted our answer to Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?”

Canon Daugherty recommends reading these two articles in advance of her presentation:

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Dedication of the Cathedral’s new Electric Vehicle Charging Station

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SUNDAY, JUNE 20, 10:15 A.M.

Gather on the upper south parking lot and around the Peace Pole as we dedicate the new EV Charging Station in memory of long-time member Jim Mulligan, who was a pioneer in creation care and environmental justice efforts.

The brief ceremony of about ten minutes falls between the two Eucharists that morning.

Here is an article from the Most recent issue of The Rubric about this wonderful gift to the community:

"Building a Charge: The Gift of an E.V. Charging Station"

UPDATE: here are some photos from the dedication (click to enlarge):

“Is EfM for Me?”—An Introduction to Education for Ministry

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UPDATE: View video of this event below

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 7 P.M., via Zoom

If you have attended Saint Mark's for some time, you have probably heard about Education for Ministry many times—especially this time of year when registration for the upcoming session is open. If you are new to Saint Mark's, you might be hearing about EfM for the first time. But what it is really like to participate in an EfM class? What sort of work is required? What happens at the class meetings? Are there exams??? Please consider attending a Zoom forum on Wednesday evening, June 23, to learn all awhat EfM is... and what it isn't! Sacristan Michael Seewer will be the host, and Saint Mark's team of EfM mentors will be the panelists. Join using this Zoom link.

Three different classes meet weekly September to June at Saint Mark’s:

  • Sundays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
  • Mondays, 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
  • Mondays, 6:30–8:30 p.m.

Tuition, including books, is $375. Please inquire by contacting class mentors: Sunday evening: Penelope Jackson; Monday morning: Maria Coldwell; Monday evening: Tom Hayton.

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An Introduction to Saint Mark’s Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action

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On May 25, 2021, the cathedral Vestry unanimously adopted a Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action, a revised and expanded statement of principals for this community.

This document has been in the works for many months, and builds on the cathedral's 2016 Statement, titled Renewing Our Covenant—which for many years has been posted on the church's front doors—and A Covenant to Root Out Racism, created in Diocese of Missouri and adopted by the Diocese of Olympia at the 2020 Diocesan Convention.

Here is a brief (2-minute) video by Senior Warden Peter McClung, describing the documents origins and goals. A transcript of the video can be read below.


I am pleased to present on behalf of your Cathedral Vestry the Saint Mark’s Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action.

Over four-and-a-half years ago, the Vestry of Saint Mark’s articulated our commitments as a parish in the original version of this document, which after its adoption in December of 2016 became a banner and description of our work in our community and world. The commitments we made drove new and re-energized ministries and outreach, including deep engagement with the Sanctuary movement, refugees, and those in our community like Lowell Elementary School, just to name a few.

In October of last year, the Diocese of Olympia at our Annual Convention adopted Resolution Number 9, an Anti-Racism Covenant developed by Bishop Deon Johnson and the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, with a recommendation to adopt it within the parish communities within our diocese.

Since then, a subcommittee of the Vestry including Vestry members and clergy have reviewed these two documents to discern and align them into a reframed Saint Mark’s Statement. The result of that work has recently been approved by the Vestry, and it is delivered to you today in the Saint Mark’s Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action.

You will immediately notice that a large section of the Statement presented to you laments actions by the church and individuals, both currently and in the past. These laments are not only an acknowledgment of actions of the past but a current participation in the pain suffered by those within our community.

In addition to the laments, the Commitment to Action section is broader than previously stated, with greater inclusion of people, communities, and ministries tied directly to our three mutual ministry goals of our parish: Creation Care and Carbon Reduction, Restorative Justice and Systematic Change, and Innovative and Intergenerational Community.

All of us within your Vestry hope you take the time to read and reflect on this Statement of Lament and Commitment to Action and that upon your reflection, your soul is sparked to join together in the important work of our community.

Treasures of the Cathedral: The Pentecost Evangelist Banner

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In the season after Pentecost each year, a stunning quilted banner is displayed on the reredos.

First displayed at Saint Mark’s in 2017, this striking banner depicts the symbols of the four evangelists (the Four Living Creatures from the book of Ezekiel). It was made in the 1980s by Northwest textile artist and sculptor Margaret Hays.

Margaret Hays was born into a  family of women artists in 1931. She received her MFA in 1975 from the University of Washington. Her passion was sculpting with fabric and liturgical art was her primary subject, with an emphasis on mother and child. Throughout her career as an artist, she contributed much to churches across the Diocese of Olympia. She was a member of St. John’s, Snohomish. She died peacefully in 2016 at the age of 85.

The evangelists banner was displayed for many years at St. Hilda-St. Patrick Episcopal Church in Edmonds, WA, but was ultimately given to the Diocesan Altar Guild. The Altar Guild gifted this banner to Saint Mark’s Cathedral in 2017. It was repaired and restored in 2017 by Saint Mark’s members Sandra Piscitello and Jo Ann Bailey, and Diocesan Altar Guild chair Sherry Garman, and has been displayed every year in this season since then.

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